Evaluation of the iris research

The Kunstcoop Website was the original place to publish the results of the research. the participants, who were showing interest, were informed by email on the publication of the study and their data.
For questions and comment please contact: na_lueth@wep.de

Graphic evaluation of the iris research
(details in the pop up windows in german)


Tabular evaluation of the iris research
Where do you live?
kreuzberg 16
prenzlauer berg 4
neukölln 4
mitte 3
no data/nowhere 2
friedrichshain 2
marzahn 1
britz 1
treptow 1
singapore 1
china 1
Sum 36
Guess your faculty of vision!
good/o.k./excellent/top/100% 16
bad/limitedt/tired/50% 10
short-sighted 3
long-sighted 2
85% 2
95% 1
2/1,7 1
-1 / - 1,5 1
-1,3 / 1,3 1
-1,5 1
-2,5/-2,75 1
Sum 39
Are you night-blind?
no 27
slightly/sometimes/a little/normal/notclear 6
yes 3
night-blind 1
Sum 37
Are you interested in the results of this research?
yes 28
no 9
Sum 37